Max Block Scorching Ray Scion - The basic concept of this construction is to use a Scorching Ray to sweep enemies and melt them over time according to their abilities, while maximized mitigates the damage.
Quad Frostbolt Totem Hierophant - Youtuber LiftingNerdBros attacking the Hierophant Totem Frostbolt is a great construction. Because it is based primarily on spells that match your level, you do not have to worry about how fast your computer can stretch; in fact, you can play deep enough in the final without suggesting anything of the unique elements.
Lich Queen Skeleton Summoner - This Skeleton Summoner is a complex construction based on a unique model called The Baron, as well as two unique gems called Dead Reckoning that can summon up to nine skeletal wizards to kill enemies for you.
Sunder Gladiator - Sunder has one of the most popular skills for basic league training. Although it is not too visible, it is reliable and adapts to the final content. Better yet, it's a cheap construction that anyone can master.
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